Business development is life!

With good enough application developers you can move the world.
You can create business models, change the rules of the game
and exploit new markets.

The recipe for Kalad is simple:

' Eternal loop...
While ( PersonalWealth < 10 000 000 USD) {
 ' There is always a great idea
    While ( NewSuperIdea== False )  {
' Clear Brain
       NoPreconceivedIdeas = SeeCompanyWithFreshEyes ();
' Understand what _really_ drives the market
        Reality =AskResearchTest ( Reality, NoPreconceivedIdeas);
' Draw, Discuss, Think
        NewSuperIdea=Invent Reality ();
' Execute!!
  Develop ( WorkingBusinessModels, NewIdeas, NewTechnology );

I'm sure it's nerdy, but business development is the second coolest thing there is

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